Why the energy price cap is broken – it doesn't reflect the price people pay today (video)…

On 1 January 2019, a cap was introduced on the prices that energy firms could charge on their standard (ie, default) tariffs.

Martin Lewis: Why it’s the PERFECT time to check if you can reclaim £100s of energy credit

The sun has got its hat on – hip hip hip hooray. The sun has got its hat on – check your bills without delay. Well, it almost scans, but at least my message is on point. 

Should you panic buy fuel? A true prisoner’s dilemma

Many forecourts across the UK have queues, and shortages are starting. I’ve already scootered past one "sold out of diesel" sign. While the potential truckers’ strike was the catalyst, that’s no longer the problem. The issue is the resultant panic. It’s a classic prisoner’s dilemma. The concern is if you don’t act and everyone else does, it’s...