Martin Lewis: I'm very handsome (or at least I was)…

Sitting next to my desk are a raft of copies of my old book The Money Diet. I just picked it up, at the start of the New Year, as a minor trip down memory lane. And I turned to one of the musings I'd jotted down in the book – bringing back bittersweet memories. It says…

"My first trial appearance on This Morning was a truly nerve-racking affair, not the being on telly, but the fact that if I did well, I might get a regular slot – a long-held ambition. 

After the show, I needed an honest, unbiased critique of my performance. So I called my grandmother.

'What did you think?'

'Oh, Martin, you were very handsome,' Grandma said.

'But what about what I said, did it make sense?'

'Well, I didn't understand it, but you were very handsome. And my friend Dorothy Leverhume called and she said you were very handsome too.'

'But Grandma, isn't she blind?'

'Yes Martin, but she said you sounded handsome.'"

That first appearance was now 17 years ago, with regular slots on ITV breakfast and This Morning ever since, as well as my own show for the past seven years – it's nice to remember how excited I was back then about securing work on the telly. Yet nowhere near is it as nice as to remember my wonderful, nurturing, matriarch of a grandmother. I'm not sure I quite appreciated then how nice it was to have such unquenched support and kvelling. I miss her.