The MSE Christmas pub quiz 2013
It’s now an annual tradition. Each year at the MSE Christmas party the team are
subjected to
love to play the Christmas quiz. So, ably aided by MSE Darren and MSE Yasin, I donned my sequinned jacket, slicked back my hair and turned into the Quiz Asking Expert. Now it’s your turn to have a go. (NO GOOGLING!)
Here are three of the five rounds. Not included is the Harry Potter picture round, the music round where we played the intros to 10 songs backwards, and the balloon modelling challenge.
We had a tie between teams this year and the tiebreak was the most pressured best of three game of rock, paper, scissors I’ve ever witnessed!
Round 1: General knowledge
The key to this round is that I wrote every question without looking up the answer. Whether that helps or hinders you, who knows?
- In 1933, US President Franklin D Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 which banned US citizens from hoarding what?
- Not including the centre square, how many double word squares are there on a standard Scrabble board?
- A logophile is a lover of what?
- Dipsophobia is the abnormal fear of doing what?
- In the UK, which three classic horse races make up the Triple Crown?
- Which was the first country outside the UK to screen the television series Doctor Who?
- What is the famous last line of the 1959 comedy film Some Like it Hot?
- Jirisan National Park lies in which Asian country?
- How many times did Silvio Berlusconi serve as prime minister of Italy?
- What is Cockney rhyming slang for the London Underground rail system?
Round 2: The Martin round
The big clue here is I set all of the questions off the top of my head – generally on things I’m interested in.
- What century did the last ruling ‘Caesar’ die?
- Which TWO words aren’t allowed in UK Scrabble (Sowpods) from Ulu, Umu, Uvu, Utu, Zen, Color?
- In what year did Abba win the 1974 Eurovision song contest?
- Why was 46 BC a special YEAR?
- In the Big Bang Theory, who is Sheldon’s sworn arch-enemy (until they make up)?
- What two celebrations of geekdom do I have sitting in my office?
- How many lights are lit on Chanukah on the eighth and final day?
- George Bernard Shaw was involved in the founding of which university?
- Who died first; Thomas Cromwell, Thomas A Beckett, Thomas Cramner or Tommy Hilfiger?
- What century is Star Trek: The Next Generation set in?
PS. Question 3 is not a typo!
Round 3: Who and what?
In this round, I asked some well-known people I bumped into in the two weeks before the quiz, including Phillip Schofield, Nadia Sawalha, Basil Brush, Rylan and John Pienaar, to record questions. These were then played to the teams and they had to identify the voice as well as answer the question asked. As I didn’t ask the questioners if it’d be OK to publish them doing this, I’ve just listed the questions here.
- Which country has a bigger population Nigeria or Indonesia?
- Who currently has more Twitter followers; BBC Breaking News or Emma Watson?
- What came first, the match or the lighter?
- Who had more number one hits, Westlife or Madonna?
- What has currently aired more episodes; Downton Abbey or Game of Thrones?
- What has more calories, a Crème Egg or a standard size packet of Walkers Salt & Vinegar crisps?
- Based on the 2011 census, which built-up area has the greater population; Nottingham or Sheffield?
- What month is the most popular for birthdays in England: November or September?
- Which country has the longer coast line: Canada or Norway?
- Who is older, Mick Jagger or David Dimbleby?
Do have a go with your answers below and remember, NO GOOGLING.
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