MSE’s biggest day ever – over 1 million people using the site

MSE's biggest day ever – over 1 million people using the site

MSE's biggest day ever – over 1 million people using the site

This week the site smashed through its past records for our most visited ever day. As always the record was on a Wednesday, the day people receive the weekly email. 

Now, I know many of you are fellow nerds and love these types of stats, so according to our Google Analytics software, here goes…

  1. Visits in the day: 1,320,219 – the number of different trips people made to the site.
  2. Unique visitors: 1,127,213 – the number of different individuals who visited the site.
  3. Page views: 4,050,924 – the number of pages those people looked at.

The big traffic drivers were a mix of the £7.75 champagne deal, the Body Shop pamper package (now closed), gas and electricity switching and house buying tricks.