"I've not always been a model moneysaver, I frequently don't listen to you, but… heartfelt thanks"
Some emails just makes you smile. We’re fortunate to get many thank yous, but the mood around MSE Towers after the email below was sent around was a real high. And as the MSE community is credited, I wanted to share it with you.
Thanks to Mia for her kind permission to print it. I’ve added links in case it inspires you to take action.
Dear MSE Team,
I’m not one for writing to organisations – in fact, I’ve never done it before. But I was reading your mortgage guide recently, and it got me thinking…
I found the MSE website about 10 years ago. I lived in London and had got myself into debt – I’d changed my job from industry to the humanitarian aid sector, but sadly failed to change my spending habits with it!
I browsed the site and had my "lightbulb moment". The Debt-Free Wannabe forum made me realise I wasn’t the only one; it made me feel less ashamed, and more motivated (and informed) to do something about it. Since then, I’ve used your website more times than I care to remember.
Your team and the immensely generous MSE community have taken me through cutting my bills, cutting my everyday costs, reclaiming unfair bank fees (I’d forgotten I did this till I wrote this email!), making a bit of extra money on the side (ah, those AQA days!), managing my credit, paying off my debts (yay!), saving money on purchases, finding me deals and freebies, saving money on my wedding (double yay!), finding me cheap flights for the holidays I could now afford, setting up home again after working in Africa for five years, clearing up my credit rating, preparing to get a mortgage, and very shortly, getting my first car. And if all goes to plan, my husband and I will be using your tips for children soon enough 😉
I’ve not always been a model MoneySaver – in fact, I frequently don’t listen to you and I’m sure I’ve spent much more money in the last 10 years than I needed to. My husband and I are struggling with our budgeting – we’d spent our August budget by about the 15th! But at least we HAVE a budget now!!
But as you can see, you’ve supported my journey from a debt-ridden singleton to a happily married, solvent woman who is just about to buy a car, a house, and have a family. I know that I’ll be using your advice for years to come.
All of your advice and support hasn’t cost me a penny. I’ve no idea how that can be, it’s unbelievable. But I would like to offer you my heartfelt thanks. You really have empowered me to change my life for the better.
I don’t need a reply – I just felt compelled to tell you how absolutely, fantastically brilliant you all are.
Kind regards,
Mia Ali”
I hope you don’t mind us sharing that with you. Many of those things are also due to your wonderful work and collective consumer power in the MSE Forum – we can all walk away from this with our heads held high.