Just called 101 for the first time – great idea

Just called 101 for the first time – great idea

Just called 101 for the first time – great idea

I’ve just made my first call on the relatively new police local 101 number. It’s a great concept. I’ve often grappled in the past over whether things are worth calling 999 about, yet this time I had no qualms.

I blogged last year about whether it is right to call 999 over a matress in the road. The consensus then was it was, as it’s an urgent notification. But the spectrum from problem to emergency is a tough one to draw a line on – and many, like me, would’ve thought twice. 

Today, driving my scooter back from filming at St. Pancras, as I got onto the A40 Marylebone flyover I saw many cars swerving. A bag of cement was sitting in the middle of the dual carriageway.    

So about six minutes later, once I got where I was going, I called 101 and let the police know. It’s a good halfway house. I’d assuaged any guilt in case someone had an accident and I hadn’t reported it, but at the same time I hadn’t distracted vital resources from something more urgent.

If you’ve not heard of the 101 number, you can get full info on the Directgov 101 page.It is worth noting, unlike 999 calling 101 costs 15p per call – though calling your local police station has always been chargeable see Met Police FAQ.