Do you still have rights if you pay in Tesco (or other) vouchers?
Buy something from a store in cash and the store must obey the Sale of Goods Act rules. But what happens if you’re one of the growing band of voucheristas who buy without cash? In a nutshell your rights are identical. When you purchase goods or services you are entering into a contract between you and the...
I need an ‘angry’ and ‘excuse me’ horn on my scooter
Riding a scooter’s very different to driving a car. You need be extra vigilant as you’re less visible and there’s a big ‘it’s what the other fella’s doing that’s the problem’ factor. One specific issue that often rears its head (or wheelies) is people misunderstanding when I toot the horn. Many interpret it as an angry gesture,...
Stop early redemption penalties on student loans: the MSE consultation feedback
Stop early redemption penalties on student loans: the MSE consultation feedback The student loan system’s undergoing a radical overhaul that’ll hit new 2012 starters and beyond (not current students). Much has already been decided, such as the new £9,000 fee limit – but there’s still a proposal to levy penalties on those repaying early, which I think...
Consumer Minister commits to future Financial Inclusion Fund money
This quick blog is more to ensure there’s a permanent record than anything else. Last week I was on a debate panel for CCCS at the Liberal Democrat conference. One fellow panellist was the coalition Consumer Minister, Ed Davey, so I took the opportunity to ask him about the Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF). In a nutshell the...
Note to Energy Minister: it’s not just laziness that stops switching
Many homes can make £250+ savings by switching energy, but a large proportion don’t do it. Energy Secretary, Chris Huhne’s been widely quoted as blaming public laziness. As I’ve been nagging, pushing, and trying to persuade people to switch for 10+ years, I thought it worth noting down what barriers I’ve noticed. To be fair to Chris...
Fact: borrowing £100 at Wonga’s APR costs more than the US national debt (over $14 trillion) after 7 years!
This is a shocking stat, but is absolutely true, and to prove it I want to show you the maths… It all started when I received this tweet from @benwatford86 @MartinSLewis America has reached a total national debt of 14.3 trillion. They only asked Wonga for £200.” It was meant as a joke, but it then occurred...
We must stop thinking politicians are monsters from a different planet
Turn on a radio phone-in, read a web forum, listen to people talking in the pub, and politicians are often described in disparaging terms and are accused of not ‘living in the real world’. Yet most MPs I meet from all parties are decent people, caring about big issues and wrestling with tough concepts to try and...
Shocking questions from a Lord and a Baroness
I almost put brown trousers on heading off to Parliament last Thursday morning. Scarily I’d been called to give evidence on financial regulation – not from a Commons Committee, but from a high ranking Joint Committee of Lords and MPs. But I was left more than a little gobsmacked at a couple of questions. What it’s all...
I should love Ryanair, but instead we’re fighting!
I’ve had on & off-air bust-ups with Ryanair over its new card this week. I find this really frustrating, as Ryanair should be a Money Saving Expert’s dream – super cheap flights genuinely enabling people to travel for next to nothing if they get it right. Yet it’s the fingle-fangled added charges on top that I find...
The FSA is dead (nearly), long live the FCA! Do you think it’ll protect consumers?
Massive changes are afoot to UK financial regulation. On Thursday I’m one of those being examined by the rather scary, Parliamentary, ‘Joint Committee on the draft Financial Services Bill’, on the impact new regulation will have on consumers. And I’d love your views before I go… What’s happening? It’s quite simple really…the Bank Of England’s new FPC...
21 January 2025
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Recent Blogs
Martin Lewis: Is it time to ban unnecessary Christmas presents?
16 December 2024Update September 2017: It’s eight years since I first braved this subject, expecting a snowstorm of protest. Instead, year after year more join in, like Julia who recently tweeted me, “@MartinSLewis, finally took your advice and told my family I can’t afford Christmas presents. What a weight off my mind. Thank you.” One year even the Archbishop of...