MSE to donate £35,000 to the campaign for financial education in schools – a political donation

MSE to donate £35,000 to the campaign for financial education in schools – a political donation

MSE to donate £35,000 to the campaign for financial education in schools – a political donation

For transparency, as it’s the site’s first ever ‘political’, as opposed to standard charity donation (see charity fund) I thought this was important to blog about. The site and I have been championing compulsory financial education in schools for a long time and now we’re in a practical position to do something to help – we’re putting our money where our mouth is.

Earlier this year, I was delighted to be involved in helping put together, launch and become co-sponsor of the first ever All Party Parliamentary Group of MPs to support this campaign (see more on the financial education APPG) and, due to MoneySavers’ help in writing to their representatives we managed to secure over 200 MPs joining, by far the biggest APPG of its kind on any subject.

With that huge weight behind it, the APPG MPs are now launching a committee process, akin to a select committee to interview key players, take evidence, investigate issues and provide a report to the Government on what’s needed and how feasible it is. As an APPG does not have official parliamentary standing, it has no funding and relies on external support – and it’s this that we’re donating to – to help contribute towards providing committee support, report writing facilities and transcripts.

Just to be clear, this is NOT a donation to any one party, the APPG has members of all parties. Technically, we’re actually giving the money to the charity PFEG (the Personal Financial Education Group) that provides the secretariat for the group – though the cash is ring fenced so it can only be used on supporting the APPG’s work.

We know from past polls that 97% of you support this move and I hope this donation will help bring financial education in schools a little closer.

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