Do Twitter and Facebook make blog comments easier?
Scan your eyes down to the bottom of this blog. As well as the normal forum discussion link, you’ll see that you can also post short 50 word comments.
We’ve been noticing recently that as well as the detailed reaction in the forum, many people make smaller comments via Twitter or on my Facebook page. So to make it easy for everyone to share we’re trialling the ability to login via your Twitter or Facebook account and post comments here.
So please do try it below. Let me know (via it or the forum) whether it makes life easier and quicker. Will you use it? Does it make you more likely to comment? Do be aware though that your Twitter/Facebook pic will be used and a link to that will go on as part of it.
Your comments won’t appear straight away as for this we will moderate (ie, libellous, abusive, illegal and unpleasant comments will not be posted) – though we won’t be correcting your spelling and grammar. Feedback is welcome (in fact positively encouraged).