The fight to be King of the virtual high street gets tougher each year, with e-tailers bashing up against longstanding bricks and clicks players. So as a list junky, I must admit a frisson of excitement when the official top 50 contained in the email below popped into my inbox….
The following is a press release from Hitwise, the web intelligence firm, which monitors traffic (web visits) and here’s its chart…
IMRG-Hitwise Hot Shops List, November 2010 |
The overall score in the top ten is six bricks and clicks to four pure online players (counting Ticketmaster as one), yet Amazon is still the powerhouse. No one else seems to have captured the zeitgeist as it has, and it continues to dominate across the sectors; a true virtual department store.
It’s also worth noting the quick movers. Both Ticketmaster and GAME have jumped up the tree, the former due to the Take That 2011 tour and the latter due to the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops.
The supermarkets too have been big movers, and unsurprisingly travel companies have dropped at this time of year.
From an MSE perspective, this list is also extremely useful to tell us where people shop and where we should be focusing on getting voucher and discount codes.