Vandalism and graffiti can’t be condoned, yet it was tough not to smile wryly when I saw what had been done to one of London’s new ‘Boris Bikes’. The massive rent-a-bike scheme is supported by Barclays’ multimillion pound sponsorship. Perhaps you may see it as street art, but the care and artistry in font matching shown in the picture below has real craftsmanship…
This bike was parked outside that old hotbed of radicalism (and my alma mater) the London School of Economics. I don’t know if there are any other types of these stickers around – but there are lots of the bikes (its a great scheme though – cracking concept – though the lack of helmets not so good)
Update. Since writing this blog I’ve seen the story covered elsewhere too – in many major newspapers. It seems the person put the stickers on over a 1,000 of the bikes in a protest movement. I’m not sure which specific issue about barclays is being protested. Yet as it wasn’t just one bike it was so many, and not just within University walls, there is the issue of it being ridden about it front of young children.