Those who listened to Radio 2 at lunchtime would’ve heard Jeremy Vine mid-discussion on flight compensation ask me what I was eating, and me embarrassingly having to admit that it was a jelly baby I’d just shoved in – and receive the ensuant stick. So I think it’s important the real culprit is exposed….
I was doing this interview from MSE towers, on our ISDN line (high quality line for radio interviews). MSE Guy who worked with me on the Volcano Rights Q&A guide was there next to me, listening in. I can almost hear some of you going “aha, it’s that MSE guy” as he already has form on food offences, see my former KitKat crunching crime blog.
This time he had brought a large pack of jelly babies in the room which he offered me pre-interview. Yet once the interview started, instead of removing them, he actually moved the open packet closer to me to make room for himself. I need to explain this was at 1.45pm and I hadn’t had any lunch yet.
Now this wasn’t a one-on-one interview, there was a chap representing airlines too, and while he was talking, I involuntarily reached for a jelly baby and started eating it – the cause of my downfall.
In the post mortem afterwards MSE Guy rather churlishly refused to accept responsibility for the entire incident. But in the same circumstances, with jelly babies under your nose, could you have refused?