What should I ask George Osborne? Question suggestions wanted.
Update 16 Mar 06… Read the full George Osborne Interview Transcript On Thursday I’m part of a panel of four interviewing the Conservative Shadow Chancellor George Osborne MP for the News of The World. As far as I know there’s a senior economist, business person, city financier and me. While of course I have my own ideas,...

The pain of watching people misplay monopoly – and an embarrassing display of geekdom
Picture it… you’re sitting on a train, three twentysomethings are playing travel monopoly next to you, you glance over and one is within easy reach of smashing the others out of existence. Yet he’s completely unaware of what he should do – the game drags on… It’s pure pain That may sound like no big deal to...

Give pocket money as pay, otherwise you’re ‘trust fund teaching’
Pocket money is under-rated as a way to teach kids core money lessons. The idea of them having their own cash is beneficial… It teaches them about regular income. By having a regular amount of money you start to learn the concept of saving versus spending. It incorporates ‘opportunity cost’. While each of my two money mantras...

The Shouting Men Film Premiere – not my usual Tuesday!
Normally Tuesdays are sacrosanct, it’s the day we send the weekly money tips email, so from the moment I get up (which is early as it’s a GMTV day), barring a few appearances, it’s all guns a blazin’ until we finish sometime before 10pm (on a good day)… My diary is permanently blocked out on that day,...

Good at haggling, but bad with cash? Omid Djalli ‘fame and fortune’.
This Sunday Time’s money section back page ‘Fame and Fortune’ profile was on comedian Omid Djalili, who’s referred to as the “Star of the Moneysupermarket adverts”… Initially I found it tough not to picture the press office at the big comparison site, heads in hands, while reading the paper. Then again maybe it’s just part of a...

Proven: the most annoying advert works, the Opera singer is a hit
Following on from my early comparison site advert missive on Moneysupermarket’s Omid Djalli there’s more news in the sector, this time about the GoCompare Opera singer. It’s without a doubt the most annoying financial advert, garnering 50% of the vote (see most annoying ads poll, yet a new story shows it’s a massive hit for the company…...
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Martin Lewis: Is it time to ban unnecessary Christmas presents?
16 December 2024Update September 2017: It’s eight years since I first braved this subject, expecting a snowstorm of protest. Instead, year after year more join in, like Julia who recently tweeted me, “@MartinSLewis, finally took your advice and told my family I can’t afford Christmas presents. What a weight off my mind. Thank you.” One year even the Archbishop of...