We’re re-launching the site masthead this week, with a new clearer look. As part of it we wanted a different pic of me which fits better with the new style.
During the discovery process I’ve discovered something bizarre about myself.
If you flip me I go all wrong!
First we found this pic which we thought when cut down and cut out may suit:
Yet the problem with it is I’m facing the wrong way, and if used, I’d be looking off the left of the screen (as you look at it).
So the easy solution was flip it… but when we did that horror ensued:
While I’ve always known I’ve a tiny bit of a skew whiff smile, when flipped, to my view it becomes enormous, a bit like the Joker in Batman.
What is tough to understand is why it works that way , is this just because I’m unaccustomed to seeing myself that way round, or is it something more?
So I had a quick look at other shots, and they’re similar, this being a case in point:
While it’s a pretty hideous picture anyway, when flipped it becomes magnified:
A bit of photoshop
After much humming and ha-ing and running through the various shots that are high quality enough and that we have copyright of, we still drew a blank.
So it was back to the original shot. This worked, but this time we flipped it and MSE site designer Darren photoshoped my wonky smile down a bit and that’s the version we ended up with:
Yet this is taking it a step too far…
Darren, being the wag he is, then decided he should take it a step further and took it off his own back to decide to solve my “thinning hair issue”… nuff said, it won’t be used, or maybe…