Someone turn the heat on!

Someone turn the heat on

Someone turn the heat on

Right, that’s it – this really has gone on for too long. I’ve had the sniffles for about five weeks; which then manifested into the flu. To clarify, for any women reading, it is the genuine flu not man flu – temperature above 102 for five days and it was only this Monday that I was back to normal.

Yet while the temperature’s gone, the lingering symptoms haven’t, the cold weather is now deeply frustrating. It’s still tough to swallow, I’m still snuffly, and after ten seconds outside I feel like death warmed up & frankly like many others – I’m fed up of the whole thing.

I’ve checked the Consumer Rights pull out and can’t see any mention of who to complain to there. The gas and electricity companies certainly don’t seem to be taking any responsibility and as for weather presenters…. ‘nuff said.

Someone turn the heat on!

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