Who’s Who Recreation Section… what would you put?

For the first time I received a Who’s Who entry form the other day, which is quite cool, and as it’s free I thought… why not.

Then I answered my own question… because filling in the form is more difficult than you might think. What’s my job title, is it just “Money Saving Expert” or do I include the website, journalism & broadcasting? Then the careers section is about “main positions” so what counts as main, do you stuff it with things or keep it sparse? Is it a matter of career reference for everything, or just absolute major jobs.

However all of that’s easy compared to “Recreation”. To help, I peeked at some existing entries, and they varied from simple “Golf, Tennis, Books” type to the “Climbing Kilimanjaro backwards wearing leather pants and singing show tunes” type. Since near the entry form it lists some “unusual recreations”, I wanted to be a bit creative, so I ummed and ahhed and finally came up with:

Recreations: Trying to get my average Scrabble score above 400, Reading historic novels, Very poor golf, Anything with lists, Jive, Watching athletics.”

My favourite bit though was under the “Clubs” section, I just put Manchester City FC.

Try the recreation one yourself… it’s not easy

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