Monster Slippers In a Bar… Stress Down Day

As you’ll have read in the weekly e-mail, last Friday was Samaritans Stress Down day, and we were giving away 50 pairs of Samaritans green monster stress-free slippers to celebrate.

As such, and because I was one of the campaign’s supporters, I thought I’d better support the cause, so on Friday afternoon, I put and kept them on, wherever I went (I didn’t do it in the morning as I was at ITV doing the voiceover for Tonight!).

As you can see from the picture below….

Stressin Down

they’re pretty obtrusive. So when I went to the cafe/bar at the centre of the office complex where MSE Towers is located, I got more than a few strange looks and bizarre enquiries.

It also meant I had to do something for the MSE Team. Sadly, as saving money – not stress – is my area of expertise, I left it too late (I had tried to book a masseuse for the office but couldn’t get one) due to my busy morning.

So on the way back I stopped off at the supermarket and bought enough satsumas, kiwis, and grapes to fill all stomachs, and brought those in instead – after all, good nutrition helps relieve stress. Then an e-mail round to say we’d all finish 45min early and table football and a drink in the bar.

Now I’m just blocking my ears from calls to do it every week…

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