I wonder if Consumer Focus read my blog a few weeks ago when British Gas cut prices (Is Consumer Focus in British Gas’ pocket?). Essentially they applauded British Gas’ palty 10% gas price cut; quite ridiculous for a Consumer organisation.
Yet, I’ve just received the following from it.
“Responding to news that EON is to cut electricity prices by 9% from 31 March 09, Audrey Gallacher, energy expert at consumer champion Consumer Focus, said:
This price drop is welcome but it doesn’t go far enough – it will only benefit electricity customers and doesn’t kick in until winter’s over.
We need to be convinced of the relationship between wholesale and retail prices – Ofgem’s market assessment is becoming ever more urgent.
With consumers facing tough times, the prices they pay should fully reflect the cuts in the wholesale market.
Quite right. Though I must admit if I were E.ON I’d be a little annoyed, after all, why is British Gas’ 10% gas cut good news, but E.ON’s 9% electricity cut not enough? OK, British Gas’ cut hits earlier, but less people use gas than electiricity.
Either way, that’s not my concern, the main news is I’m glad to see the new consumer watchdog starting to find its teeth, even if they’re still milk ones.