X-factor: Go JLS – 100% effort

After a horrible week, for all of us, it was a relief to turn on X-factor and veg out in front of it. As I’ve written before, the MSF and I are massive fans of the show…. and I would like to say at this point…


This isn’t due to the musical prowess, though the boys done good (I think Rachel and Laura have phenomenal talent and are tough to beat), but because one of the guys in the group said “we’re going to give it 100%”. Finally, at last, someone numerate on the programme…

As you’ll see from my past more than 100% effort’s impossible and further war on 110% effort blogs, this type of hyperbole is one of my pet peeves, so it was glorious to see it avoided for once. Sadly it was ruined slightly later by Scott saying “I trust Simon 110%”, but a small victory nonetheless.

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