Little Sister’s MoneySaving Tips.

Rarely are you listened to in your own home. My dad continues to ignore many MoneySaving opportunities and my big sister constantly amazes me by doing almost the opposite of what I suggest. Yet there is a Lewis household hope… Talya, my thirteen year old little sister is perhaps the MoneySaving junior, and was so proud of her supermarket spot I offered to let her blog on it. Here goes:

“I was in Sainsburys when I realised that as I have the Money Saving Expert as a brother, I’d better take advantage and check out the best deals. As the Special K cereal bars in our cupboards have run out, I ran straight towards the aisle which had them. I saw there were two possibilities there, either take the special big box with 12 bars in for £3.78, or take 2 of the 2 for £3 boxes that each had 6 bars in them. I realised by taking two smaller boxes I was saving 78p! I felt so proud of myself and informed Martin straight away! “

I hope you like my little money saving tip.”

Definitely some progress there; we’ll work on the downshift challenge version later!

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