The MoneySavingExpert.com Charity Fund… getting there
As regulars will know, over the last year we’ve been working on setting up a specific charity behind MSE for the charity fund money to go to. Well, we’re on the way and not too far from launching, so I thought I’d give you a sneak preview of the rough draft of the letter that’ll go out to people wanting grants.

The Insurance Thugs Dream Team Back Together…
Way back when in my Simply Money days (2000 – 2001), I used to do comedy characters to introduce my MoneySaving items. You can see a video compilation of the clips in the funny money gallery. While I won’t be going anywhere near that far in It Pays To Watch, where it makes a point I hope to have a bit of fun.

Northern Rock is NOT a best buy savings account.
I’ve seen countless stories this week commenting that Northern Rock is the top paying savings account and “money will be flooding in there.” Frankly I find this quite ridiculous. Let’s make this very simple, (see my top savings article for full details and links) here are some top picks: Northern Rock pays 6.49% and is guaranteed to...

Virgin BA Compensation Agreed: Did you fly longhaul between 2004 and 2006?
Last August BA was fined £200m on the back of colluding with Virgin Atlantic over fuel charges (see my Virgin BA compensation blog from the time). The only reason Virgin escaped the fines was because it had reported the problem in the first place. After a class action in the US (where a whole host of consumers...

Unloophole-able deal from Barclays…
Congratulations to Barclays; I spotted its latest loan deal as a full page ad in the newspaper. It said “If you find a better deal elsewhere we’ll pay you the difference.” Now, I’m not a fan of ‘price-beater’ deals; all they do is make you think you’re getting a good deal whilst actually just providing the company...

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Travel agents have never been particularly fond of me. In fact many seem to think I have the horns of Beelzebub after a Tonight where I showed people how to haggle down the price. Which is why I found this bit taken from last weeks Travel Trades Gazette, the travel industry magazine, particularly amusing: “Colchester Travel’s Paul...

Joining the ‘Governors’ of the London School of Economics.
I got some good news this week: I’m being put forward to join the Governors of the LSE, my old University. It’s a great honour, and provided it goes through; I’m chuffed about it. The role itself is effectively being a member of ‘governing council’ rather than any form of actual management, and it doesn’t involve too...

Learning to Blag: What is “fiduciary responsibility”?
Rejoining the LSE Governors (see my last blog) has reminded me of a funny, old, true story I hope you’ll enjoy; it’s perhaps the best blag I’ve ever pulled off (thankfully not a skill I need much in my current work). The Late Sir Peter Parker’s version It was retold to me a number of years after...

The most romantic job in MoneySaving Towers…
This week for the email MSE Lawrence had the task of researching the very cheapest red roses online, courier delivered and delivered by post. This entailed a day spent cold calling asking for prices of roses. My favourite overheard moment…

Should I say hi to people or keep my head down?
Now here’s a question of etiquette for you. When I leave after doing my various GM-TV/LK slots often there’s a queue outside for the audience of the Paul O’Grady show, (which is done in the same place even though it’s on a different channel) or Loose women. To get to the transport provided I have to walk alongside this queue.
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Martin Lewis: Is it time to ban unnecessary Christmas presents?
16 December 2024Update September 2017: It’s eight years since I first braved this subject, expecting a snowstorm of protest. Instead, year after year more join in, like Julia who recently tweeted me, “@MartinSLewis, finally took your advice and told my family I can’t afford Christmas presents. What a weight off my mind. Thank you.” One year even the Archbishop of...