Good on you Rhydian; well done for explaining the real cost of talent show democratization

I love X-factor & never miss an episode. The MSG & I watched every second on both ITV1 and ITV2 on Saturday night and stayed in to watch the final with great excitement. The moment was deadened for us, with a travesty of a result which saw the back story beat the brilliance.

My admiration for Rhydian’s talent was matched at his comment, on prime time ITV1, that “I know it’s expensive” when discussing phone voting. Dermot O’Leary quickly ‘corrected’ him saying “it’s not expensive”. Yet at 35p a vote, the cost isn’t negligable, especially for those with kids who want to vote 50 times (a note Rhydian rightly defended himself, though with a touch of embarrassment).

Don’t think that puts me totally anti the vote; it of course enhances viewing as we feel more a part of the show. I voted myself, though only once of course, but we need to put the cost in perspective.

Compare it to the 50p cost of buying the bank charges single, or a track on iTunes which costs 79p. Price is easily glossed over within the euphoria of the show. So well done Rhydian, it was lovely to see a nod to the cost of this particular participative democracy; just a shame it didn’t go our way!

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