For the first time in three-and-a-half years on Vine I blanked!

How annoying. I was doing my regular phone-in on Vine today, presented by Julian Worricker as Jeremy is away. It was an ‘open MoneySaving’ phone in. Now these are always a little scary, as there’s no way to prepare, I just have to hope. Yet normally I manage to cope. Today all went well: best cash ISAs, bank charges, what to do with equity release, and many more were easy.

Then the dreaded happened: “can you get annual travel insurance for someone aged 79?”. The answer I knew, it was yes, but I blanked on the cheapest; and had to get someone to print the cheapest travel insurance article off for me. It was Help the Aged and Bradford & Bingley. I’m very annoyed; it’s the first time in three-and-a-half years I’ve blanked on any question. I must be getting old!

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PS. Julian found it funny that when asked questions which require naming products like listing the best cash ISAs, I close my eyes – what I actually do is visualise my article as I’m talking so that I can reel it off. Apparently this looks quite funny while I’m talking in an animated way.