Should we stop people with mental health issues borrowing money?
In my past blog you’ll have seen my article to MPs where I say it’s not about ‘responsible lending’ but ‘responsible borrowing’ and that while lenders should be culpable we must take responsibility for our own debts, through educating ourselves. Yet where do you draw the line? A few months ago I met a MoneySaver who worked...

No, I’m not like that all the time!!!!!
While no one ever asks me the question, the poor MSG is constantly asked “is he like that all the time, so hyper and energetic, how do you cope?” And I’ve just read a similar comment from MoneySaver Pavlov’s Dog in the forum “I must admit, I really enjoy watching the money muttering, as well as being...

My ignorance knows no bounds…. when it comes to music
My lack of musical interest is pretty well known (well Radio 2 Vine programme spent a week discussing it), yet I think I’ve just surpassed all prior ignorance. While talking about web search functions in MSE Towers, I said “suppose you want to search for songs by Billy Holliday”, at which point MSE Archna started to smile....

Want to see the new MoneySavingExpert.com? Want to help?
Over the last few months the re-design of the site has come on a long way (see the last incarnation). So much so, we’re getting close to the final look so I wanted to give all MoneySavers a quick preview. The new home page (click to view full size) IMPORTANT: Don’t worry, the image you will see...

The UK’s Top 100 websites (MoneySavingExpert.com is 91st)
I’m addicted to Alexa stats, which show every website’s worldwide ranking (and is quite a useful way of judging a site’s legitimacy) and now I’m overexcited as MoneySaver KJF has sent me the link to the stats I’ve been waiting for. Finally it seems Alexa.com (part of Amazon), has a list of the 100 most visited sites...

Martin Lewes, Money Saving Expert
I was playing with Google paid listings, doing a few experiments at very low ‘cost per click’. One of the phrases was Martin Lewes as opposed to Martin Lewis and I was shocked to find yesterday it was searched 1100 times and that 740 of those who searched it clicked the MoneySavingExpert.com listing (at a penny a...

The Day I Met Mick Jagger
Clearing out a cupboard recently, I happened upon an old photo of the day I went to Wembley to present Mick Jagger with the Honorary Presidency of the LSE (London School of Economics) Students’ Union. It brought back memories so I called the LSE and asked if it had a copy of the article I wrote for...

A smooth-voiced addition to the Muttering
Each week the e-mail is accompanied by ‘Martin’s Money Mutterings’, my audio and video commentary on the event. This week I was speaking to my mate Graham Rogers , who as well as presenting Classic Gold radio in the mornings (and I do a quick hit on there every Thursday at 10.15am) is also the voice of...

Do not pass go, do not go to jail, go to free parking
I’ve just been sent a report from Bishop Stortford’s Citizen newspaper. Apparently a parking clampdown’s been requested by the town council following suggestions written in this site’s Chat Forum that free parking in the town is a good way to escape Stansted Airport’s parking charges. It’s an interesting read, and does create a bit of a moral...

A 500 word debt message to politicians
The House Magazine asked me if I’d like to write an opinion piece for its personal finance special. It’s the trade magazine for the political classes (politicians, their advisers, teams and lobbyists) and is apparently read by up to 70% of MPs. Therefore I wanted to make sure I got the message across correctly. Of course I...
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Martin Lewis: Is it time to ban unnecessary Christmas presents?
16 December 2024Update September 2017: It’s eight years since I first braved this subject, expecting a snowstorm of protest. Instead, year after year more join in, like Julia who recently tweeted me, “@MartinSLewis, finally took your advice and told my family I can’t afford Christmas presents. What a weight off my mind. Thank you.” One year even the Archbishop of...