I’m due to film a piece for the BBC1 One Show on Friday on the Credit Card Shuffle. The idea of these films is generally to have some fun as well as get the serious point across. So while discussing a ‘theme’ with the producers, as it’s the ‘Shuffle’ dancing was obvious. Keen blog readers may’ve spotted before that one of my main hobbies is dancing – with a partner. When the producers heard that I just about manage to not have two left feet, you can imagine their delight.
So this evening, I’ve been out practicing with my friend Tash (Tasha Sheridan). We met a couple of years ago while she was at dance/drama/music school and we’ve been dance buddies a while. Recently she landed the plum job of the lead in the West End musical Mama Mia – playing her (almost) namesake Sophie Sheridan. And thus, who better to be filmed dancing with, especially as it’s my excuse to get to go on the show’s stage (don’t worry; it’ll be empty at the time).
Now while I love to dance, the thought of being filmed doing it scares the pants off me. Hence tonight’s practice session to try to ensure I don’t look more like Fred Elliot than Fred Astaire. The piece should be shown next Thursday (7th September) between 6.55pm and 7.30pm on BBC1.
In practical terms, today I’m going to be talking through how to cut the cost of credit card debts with one of Tash’s fellow cast members. Actually as Tash is a friend, when she read the Shuffle article on the site a while back, afterwards I helped her work through it, as like most people after studying she had some debts. Yet tonight her biggest issue when we discussed the filming was, “what will I wear?”. She then proceeded to tell me that of the five black tops she has at home, “none are quite right, I think I need to go and buy a new one….” Ah the irony!