I’ve started to notice a disturbing trend among some of the inhabitants of MSE Towers! Having just come back from the Jeremy Vine programme, where I was originally scheduled to do a short newsy discussion on Reclaiming Bank Charges, followed by the main phone-in about cutting the cost of running a car – I spotted something worrying.
For reasons of time it was decided to drop the bank charges discussion. However we pre-prepare the special “Radio 2 Listeners Note??? which stays on the front of the site for 36 hours after the programme. In it there are links to all the articles being discussed in the programme, to make it easier for people to find the relevant info.
Usually while I’m on the programme MSE Andrea listens to it and adds any relevant articles we hadn’t predicted would be mentioned; and takes away any that aren’t relevant. Yet when I returned to MSE Towers, the reclaiming bank charges article was still there and up on the site during one of its busiest periods.
Now this isn’t down to poor work practices, oh no… in fact it is much more insidious. You see in MSE Towers at the moment, several of the team have become addicted to a Web trading game called Alexadex, where you buy and sell virtual shares based on their popularity each day. And of course for a small site like the bankactiongroup, which is linked to from that article, it’s likely that its presence there would increase its popularity, thus increasing its virtual share price.
Now I need to stress here, that no one is in any way financially linked. These are only virtual shares, no money changes hands, it’s a game. Therefore I can assure you, there’s no question of any of the real articles or recommendations ever being impacted by this. However it is my suspicion that such virtual insider trading incidents as the above are becoming more common….
In fact this is a crime so serious, I am considering suspending MSE Andrea from access to the MSE Towers internal chocolate supply for an entire day!
PS. I would also like to point out that out of everybody in MSE Towers, I’m currently the most successful Alexadex player. Na na na na nah!
MSE Andrea’s note: Of course I’d never replace the link above (which gains $1,000 in virtual money per person joining) with mine… but as he’s already reached the $10,000 limit on it and it looks like I’m going to lose all chocolate privileges anyway please feel free to use mine here 🙂