I’ve just got back from Watchdog. And yes I did say ‘silly buggers’ on air – Julia was kicking me (the age old TV signal that you have to wind up what you’re saying – though when it’s Julia it’s never so bad, we’re buddies, and she’s er… well…. chaps if you’ve watched you understand!) and so I was saying “it’s easy to switch unless the providers play silly…” then I’m struggling to find a word – devils didn’t come, beggars didn’t come, buggers did!
Hopefully it’s not too bad. I apologised to the editor immediately, and they weren’t too bothered. I was mortified. When groping for a word sometimes that happens, just not normally in front of six million people!
Otherwise the programme was great. Sadly the film I’d done had to be cut short at the last minute due to over-running – so my explanation of Staywarm (see Gas & Elec Article) was cut out.
Overall though I think I got the message across and hopefully those who should switch provider will, and those who shouldn’t won’t.
Also I was allowed to say “cashback providers are on my site” by the editor beforehand – as there wasn’t going to be enough time to get it in, and the info simply doesn’t exist anywhere else.
Enough. I’m rambling and going to go and try to have something of an evening!