Top Marks to a PR for trying – they got Jennifer Lopez to propose

When you have my job PR people constantly badger you to cover a story which plugs their company. Often I give them very short shrift as there’s only ever one best product in each category and if it ain’t best it’s pants in my view. However the other day I got my best pitch ever, from Jo at Octopus PR.

She emailed me to suggest talking about foreign exchange would be great in my new slot on the ITV1 Richard Hammond show and coincidentally did I know she looks after ‘Currencies Direct’ and proceeded to tell me how much money they’d save people. Within my reply, having already pointed out that CD were mentioned in my ‘Sending Money Overseas‘ article already (CD is just one of the cheap providers and you should always try all of them) I said anyway “To be honest the subject of large foreign exchange transactions is about as likely to come up on the show as I am to marry Jennifer Lopez.”

Five minutes later I received the following email from titled “Will you marry me?”

“While I realise that this isn’t the most conventional of proposals, the sentiment is heartfelt and sincere, it would be my honour to be your bride. I know you may be worried about the fact that I am currently married to Mark Anthony but I set the divorce proceedings in motion the moment I heard you were interested.

Please say yes!

Yours forever,

J-Lo x

PS any chance Currencies Direct will get a mention in your slot on Richard
Hammond’s new show?”

Now of course in reality I won’t be swayed, but top marks for the attempt (and five minutes to set up a hotmail account and send it – impressive!)

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