Just finished filming a series of five packages for the ITV lunchtime news. Now the most important thing to start with is that while they will look like five days’ worth, actually all were filmed in one day. So no comments (again) in the chat forum about “Martin’s only got one shirt” please!
It was a fun day. The reporter for the piece was Keir Simmons. Rather interestingly we know each other from Uni days. Keir was President of London’s Goldsmiths University Students Union when I was the President (though the official title is General Secretary) of the London School of Economics. In those days we were either scheming or slagging each other off over the political scene, yet this time it was two old (well early thirties) men doing some efficient work together.
The funniest part of the day was at Sainsburys. Keir wanted to film the beep beep of the scanning machine, so arranged for the camera to be positioned at the checkout. This meant the silver shopper who was there couldn’t pack her bags. At the end, Keir in his pin-striped reporters’ suit, admirably, immediately went to pack her bags and did a swift job of it. The lady asked “do you work here?” “No,” he says “I work for ITN”. “Lovely I didn’t know they did packing now”.
Pic snapped on my phone below