A Fantastic New Year’s Party – wooh hoo (writing this a wee bit the worse for wear)
It’s 1.30 am. I’ve just got home from the 2005 end of year TV’s Greatest Moment Awards presented by Jonathan Ross. The programme goes out on New Years Eve. Now I need to be careful not to tell you the winners as that’s naughty. However I’ve just had a fantastic evening, and to be honest am writing...

Being recognised cuts no ice
I was flying back from Manchester to London. On the way through the security check the guard said to me “excuse me sir, is this your coat?” As I said yes he began to check it. As he’s doing it he says “so what’s the cheapest credit card to have? I don’t have one” As he wasn’t...

When you need to find somewhere…. go for the best
I’m waiting to go on Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 and my tummy’s rumbing. Sadly to find your way through BBC Broadcasting house is a nightmare, and you need a special permitted key fob to get through the doors. So who do you ask?…. only the best of course. And when I did ask what service. Not...

Make Me Rich: It’s Over!!!!!
I did the final voice over for Make Me Rich today. Five programmes voiced up in one day – quite hard graft, I’ve a sore throat now, as I sit at Manchester airport on my way back to London. I’ve learnt a lot filming the series. Both about MoneySaving and about me as a TV performer. In...

Witnessing one of those nice life moments
Walking near Harley Street in London the other day I saw the following exchange: Man on big motorbike parks, just beating man on little motorbike to the last parking space. Little motorbike man looks disappointed and asks: LBM “any chance I can have that space mate? I’m in a real hurry” BBM “piss off, I was here...

Worrying times in MoneySaving Towers
Neil the site’s techie has started replying to questions with “computer says no”. This is a damaging trend. What next? Andrea replying by saying “yes, but no but, yes but no but yes… there’s a freebie” Discuss this blog

Uh oh… it’s the last Friday of the month
In the office complex where MoneySaving towers is based, there’s a bar/restaurant for all to use. I often take my laptop there and write during the day. Many of the companies’ employees are young so mid-month evenings the bar is deserted. Yet when it comes to the last Friday of the month the place is a kicking,...

Talking Tax with Three Celebs in School Uniform
What a bizarre morning. Spent my time in a primary school in North London with a mortar board and gown testing three celebs about tax for Tonight with Trevor. Twas an interesting time actually. There was Meg Johnson from Emmerdale, Richard Arnold from GM-TV and Jacqui Clune from UK Living and Never Mind The Buzzcocks. They were...

UK Music Hall of Fame… MICHAEL JOHNSON and a naked fruit woman
Last night I was lucky enough to be invited to the Channel 4 UK Music Hall of Fame and after-show party. It was an amazing bash; Alanis Morrisette singing Bob Dylan, the Pretenders singing the Kinks, New Order singing themselves, Ozzy singing with the original Black Sabbath line-up, Slash doing Jimi Hendrix, Angus Young interviewing Ozzy. Music...

Finally I’m a style guru! Well almost
I’m excited my name has appeared in Vogue….. sadly not in most eligible bachelors, or current trendsetters, or even cheap chic, but hey, you can’t have everything. It’s on page 140 of this month’s edition. Essentially lots of cool people (and no I’m not one of those either, unsurprisingly) get to pick their favourite websites. Jewellery Designer...
4 February 2025
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Recent Blogs
Martin Lewis: Is it time to ban unnecessary Christmas presents?
16 December 2024Update September 2017: It’s eight years since I first braved this subject, expecting a snowstorm of protest. Instead, year after year more join in, like Julia who recently tweeted me, “@MartinSLewis, finally took your advice and told my family I can’t afford Christmas presents. What a weight off my mind. Thank you.” One year even the Archbishop of...