Blast from the past… thank you Patrick Bartlett

I nipped into the BBC the other day to do a quick interview for Radio 5 Live (the BBC is very conveniently placed half way between MoneySaving Towers and my house) on the way home.

As I was walking through the newsroom I bumped into a couple of old colleagues, the lovely Jane Warr, who was always very nice and was very complimentary about my work since leaving the BBC full time 5 years ago, and Patrick Bartlett BBC European Business Correspondent.

Now Patrick’s an interesting one. In 1997, while I was studying my postgrad in Broadcast Journalism at Cardiff Uni (after leaving the City) I went to do work experience at the now defunct ‘Business Breakfast’. Most of the time was spent on the planning desk, yet one day I was allowed out with a reporter – Patrick Bartlett. He’s a gentleman and was very kind to an aspirational trainee hack, who asked lots of questions and was very interested in learning.

Rather strange to bump into him now – eight years mightn’t sound too long a time, but life’s changed radically for me. It brought back memories of many long years of hard work, but put a little spring in my step thinking that, overall, it’s probably been worth it.

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