Four years of putting it off, and finally I’ve finished it (well draft 1)

I’ve never written a ‘best mobile tariff’ article. The reason? It’s a nightmare. I did some quick maths and worked out you’ve a better chance of winning the lottery than picking the right mobile package.

Yet the bloody Jeremy Vine programme (I love it really, actually it’s my fave thing to do) have asked me to do a phone in on mobiles. Whilst before I could do roaming, contracts, overriding, and others, the actual tariffs wasn’t there.

After five days I’ve finished my first draft of ‘mobile phone cost cutting’ – it’s 3000 words long, double the next longest on the site – but I’m really pleased with it. The next step is to cut the monster down and make the prose more readable. The first draft is always the ‘theory and results’ stage, just getting everything down in one go. Next is ‘the edit and polish’ to make it easy to read and workable.

However with this article, I’m breathing a sigh of relief that I’ve done it. The final version(s – as there’ll be an extended feature and quick read) will be on the site next week!